WolfKat is Thankful For… You, Ontario 

On the heels of a very successful flagship tournament, The WolfKat Classic- the two of us behind the Form Shadows and memes, just wanted to reach out and show our appreciation to you, disc golfers of Ontario.

Last Sunday, October 6th, at the beautiful Trail Hub Disc Golf Course in Uxbridge, Ontario, our tournament was a stunning success.  The weather held out, we had a couple of brilliant Aces, some exciting playoff action, excellent conditions on the course, and a longest drive competition for the ages!

More impressive than all of that though, was how you, Ontario disc golfers, came together to support us. See, in between rounds, our tournament director Jay had to leave, after receiving news of an emergency at his family home in Burk’s Falls.

You didn’t complain when things moved more slowly than normal- or when a clerical error or two was made by the new de facto TD, Nick Vescio.  You didn’t even get mad that we were no longer running the advertised Tech Disc station.  Instead, many of you generously asked how you could help out.

When we were feeling overwhelmed, as players headed back to the clubhouse after the final round, a seasoned TD, playing in the tournament, Josh Saxe, stepped up to help with tournament results, cash outs and merch outs.  FPO winner, Alicia Hums even helped out by collecting money during the longest drive competition.  Tobin Izatt and other fellow longest drive observers and participants couldn’t stand to see Nick fetching discs alone and trudged down the 650 foot hill one last time on the day, to throw their support, looking for plastic in the long grass.  All of this, along with all of the unmeasurable love shown by so many, many others, really made for some heart warming feelings.  When the going got more than tough, you got up and supported us, and kept us going- thank you, disc golfers of Ontario.  We are but a very small part, of one very special community.

Special congratulations must also be sent out to Brad Allen, who was playing in his very first tournament in 35 years!  After stepping away from the game for decades, Brad took down the Ace pot! Congratulations, Brad!

As always, special thanks goes out to our wives, Nicole and Maeve for supporting WolfKat on tournament days, on plain old Tuesdays- and all of the other times that we talk way too much about frisbees!

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